Due to robotics, Robotic Steelworks can manufacture standard palisade fences with different angle iron sizes, namely 25×25, 30×30, 40×40 or 50×50 (the strongest angle iron) and any angle iron thickness (2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm to 5mm). The fence height can be 1.2m, 1.5m, 1.8m, 2.0m, 3.0m or even higher. The standard width of a palisade panel is 3m. Doggy bars can be fitted between pales to the palisade panel.
Palisade fences are manufactured with ArcelorMittal angles (also known as “hot rolled” angles) or rolled angles (also known as “cold rolled” angles) in the industry. The basic difference between these two types of angles, lies in the manufacturing process of the angles.
“Hot rolling” refers to processing done with heat whilst “cold rolling” refers to processes done at or near room temperature. Hot rolled steel has been roll-pressed at high temperatures (over 1,700˚F), which is above the re-crystallization temperature for most steels. When steel is above the re-crystallization temperature, it is shaped and formed easily and results in products like angles (“hot rolled “angles). These angles are stronger due to the above process resulting in a more expensive palisade fence product.
Cold rolled steel is essentially hot rolled steel that has gone through more processing. Cold rolled steel is taken and rolled, grinded and polished even more to get refined products, like steel sheets.
“Cold rolled” technically applies only to sheets that undergo compression between rollers to process products like rolled angles.

Extra-Razor Palisade Fencing
On a standard palisade panel, Robotic Steelworks offers three different pale tip options:
A spear point (also V cut) option, fishtail (2-spiked) or a 3-spiked option.
Apart of the pale tip options, Robotic Steelworks is one of the few companies worldwide that can add additional spikes to a spear point, fish tail or 3-spiked pale due to robot plasma cutting! A maximum of 10 additional extra long spikes can be cut on each side of the pale. Clients can design their own extra razor palisade fence with 5, 7, 11, 15 or 23 spiked panels! These extra razor panels can be designed with unique razor patterns.
-Full extra razor panel: 23 spikes on each pale, thus extra long spikes on pales
-Semi extra razor panel: Extra razor pales mixed with normal 40×40 angle iron pales
-Mixed extra razor panel: Extra razor pales mixed with razor pales
-Design extra razor panel: 5-23 spikes on each pale, and design your own panel
-All of the above extra razor panels are available as a bolted palisade fence

Bolt-on Palisade Fences
The bolt-on palisade fence is completely different from the standard welded palisade fence. It uses high tensile bolts and anti-vandal shear nuts to fix pales to the crossbars. This makes it possible for the nuts to be removed once the back of the nuts have been sheared off. Thus pales are fixed into position on the crossbars by means of bolts through the pale and crossbar with nuts at the rear of the crossbar. Once installation is finished, the bolts are tightened and snapped-off.
Advantages of the bolt-on palisade fence:
- It is a cost effective fencing solution where the terrain is uneven, contour following fence system;
- No stacking necessary on uneven ground and the same gap at the bottom of the fence;
- It can easily be installed on slopes, up to 45 degrees climb;
- No electricity or welding is required on the bolt-on palisade fence;
- Anti-vandalize bolts and nuts are used which are stronger than welding (one M8 bolt breaks nearly by 1 ton load);
- The bolt-on palisade fence is easy to install, ideal for do-it-yourself and no special equipment or skills are required;
- The entire bolt-on palisade fence can be dismantled are re-erected at a different location

Slotted Channel Palisade Fence
On the slotted channel palisade fence, the pales are fixed in position by inserting them through slots in the crossbars and welding the pale to the crossbar. The crossbars, with slots punched through the upper face of the crossbar, accommodate the pales which are inserted through the slot and welded to the crossbar.

D Section Palisade Fences
A standard steel palisade panel consists of vertical and horizontal pales. The standard vertical pale profile is an angle iron, but Robotic Steelworks can also supply a D section vertical pale profile. The D section refers to the shape of the vertical pale.
The D section palisade fence is aesthetically eye-pleasing but also strong, durable and easy to install. The fence is also available in various lengths and heights best suited to your requirements.
Should you want to install the palisade fences yourself, here are a few hints:
- Do not plant all the posts first, and then insert the palisade fences in-between. Rather plant two posts, weld a palisade panel, plant one post, weld a palisade panel, and so on
- Weld steel pieces (anchors) on the bottom of the posts, so that nobody can pull them out after the concrete has dried out. Please note: our posts include the flat pole cap & the bottom mounting anchors
- When you plant the posts, use a water level
- If you need a gate, and you have never welded before, rather ask us, we can manufacture the gate(s) for you
- If you still want to weld something yourself, remove all thinners & paint from the welding place, as thinners / paint might catch fire from welding sparks
- Should it rain, or the ground is wet, do not use electricity
- Secure any electrical extensions and cables so that nobody can step on it
- Use only proper electrical devices
- Looking in a welding arc can cause serious damages to the eyes, wear a proper welding helmet
- Cut steel is very sharp, to avoid injuries, wear thick leather gloves during handling and installation
- Do not rush, accidents occur then
- Please note: welding is a trade. There are many more things to know. If you want quality work, it is better, if the job is done by a professional
- Our Bolt-on palisade fence is easy to install, if you want to avoid welding, rather go for this option.
Please note: we do not take any responsibility for any damages or injuries whatsoever.